Novicom on professional seminar in Vietnam

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Novicom on professional seminar in Vietnam
22. 4. 2016

As a part of its international business expansion, Novicom will attend the Active Network Security Seminar in Hanoi. Novicom is following up on its sales successes on Vietnam market.

The seminar has been prepared in collaboration with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Hanoi and Network Security Monitoring Cluster (NSMC) of which Novicom is a member of.

Other partner companies will be introduced together with Novicom at the Hanoi seminar – Flowmon Networks, Axenta and T-Soft.

The main focus of the seminar will be the key parts of the Active Network Security Concept – the tools for complex IP address space management with integrated network access control – DDI/NAC (AddNet), for monitoring of network flow and network behavioural analysis – NBA (Flowmon ADS) and solution for the management of cyber incidents - SIEM and SOC (Axenta). All will be complemented with a solution for dealing with and controlling of crisis scenarios.

The professional seminar is dedicated to local institutions and businesses interested in the presented technologies as well as to potential partners - technological companies, consulting companies or universities interested in cooperation.

The seminar will be held in Hanoi, Solitel Plaza hotel on 26th April 2016.