Czech cyber security mission and Active Network Security seminars in Vietnam

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Czech cyber security mission and Active Network Security seminars in Vietnam
14. 5. 2018

In mid-May 2018 are held the Active Network Security seminars in Vietnam, organized by Embassy of the Czech Republic in Hanoi and Ministry of Information and Communications in Vietnam. Novicom and other Czech TOP "cyber security" companies will be presented their cyber security products and solutions ready for Vietnamese market.

She seminars will take place on May 15, 2018 in Pan Pacific Hotel in Hanoi and on May 17, 2018 in Rex Sai gon Hotel in Saigon.

The seminars will present the latest cyber-security trends and news. It will focus on the Active Network Security Concept – how it develops over time, why is it unique, and what are its benefits compared to other similar cyber-security approaches which usually solve the issue only particularly, using separate, not integrated products from various vendors.

The seminars are dedicated to institutions and companies interested in the use of presented technologies and services, and for representatives from universities and technological or consulting companies interested in partnership.

The partners of the seminars are the Czech companies Novicom, Flowmon Networks, AXENTA, Corpus Solutions, OK System, SODAT Software, PAMA and Network Security Monitoring Cluster (NSMC) - association of the Czech manufacturers and specialists in cyber security.